Wednesday, January 8, 2014

JANUARY JUICE AND CHEW DAY 8 Or The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men...

So, not juice fast day 2 and not day 1 again.  I'm postponing my hardcore juice fast for a week or two.  Hubby isn't snowed in anymore but his truck broke down so now they have him put up in a motel in Indiana while he waits his turn for the shop to fix his truck.  Around 200 other guys are waiting for the same thing.  Some new fuel they have made him use in the truck gels up when it gets too cold.  Yup, trucks broke down all over the North half of the country.  Him not moving for a week means my grocery budget will be VERY tight.  Also, when the pipes thawed out, there was a burst pipe in the bathroom.  Long story but it won't be fixed for at least a few days so we have the water to the house shut off.  Not shut-off valve in the bathroom - retarded right?  See why I'm moving?  So clean up will be challenging this week too.  So we'll just go ahead and do what I've already been doing since the 1st.  It's cool.  I'm feeling very zen about it.  The facebook group I LOVE,  Reach4Raw, is doing a 90 day juice and chew challenge so I'm just travelling along with my rawfriends there:)  I'm eating healthy, drinking juice and losing weight so it's all good.

J&C Day 8
Weigh in - 281.8
3 pints juice
3 tangerines
1 LARGE salad with greens, tomatos, mushrooms, green onions, cucumber, sprinkle of sunflower seeds and light balsamic.
I did a 20 minute Sparkpeople resistance band video and discovered that my right leg is still very much weaker than the left.  It wasn't as bad after I finished physical therapy but over the last 3 years being so horrible health wise, it has gotten really weak again.  (I had a massive blood clot in that leg that damaged the veins and also the right knee is the one that is trashed.)  So I have a goal now to rehab my right leg.  I finished the video but was not able to do all reps on the right leg and my form sucked!  So room for improvement:)

On a personal note, I was really excited when Kitten the Juice Pirate joined my group on rebootwithjoe.  She is SUCH a huge inspiration for me and one of the first examples of what you could do with this lifestyle.  I posted on Reach4Raw about this and got lots of great responses but I was so touched I can't even tell you when my friend Taffy said that I was her Kitten the Juice Pirate.  That I was to her what Kitten was to me.  Wow.  I am floored.  The day before, I posted my progress picture and had a few people say that seeing that gave them the inspiration to get on with it and start juicing and eating raw!  Me!!  Inspiring people!!!  On top of all the really stressful stuff that was going on I have to confess I shed a tear or two.  But we'll just say that was emotional detox and keep that between you and me okay?


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