Sunday, February 2, 2014

If You Are Juice FASTING, Then, for Heaven's Sake FAST!

Okay, I'm gonna rant a bit so prepare yourself.  And remember that this rant applies to the old Natshell as much as to anyone else.
I have heard SO many people say, "I don't like vegatables."  And I've even heard quite a few say, "I don't like water."  Let's be clear here.  What you are saying is that you have become so addicted to artificial crap posing as food and drink that your body has forgotten what it really needs.  That, in my humble opinion, is the best and most important function of a juice fast.  It gives your body the chance to get out from under that addiction and remember what it really, biologically, needs so that it will start telling you that this is what it wants again.
Those of us who have been through some juice fasting tell newcomers not to worry because their taste buds will change.  It's truth.  The same is true of the water.  There are some people who try to baby people along and tell them to do whatever is easiest for them.  "Just drink tea or flavored water." "Don't worry about giving up your coffee if that is too hard for you."  "I'm sure a diet soda once in a while won't be the end of the world, at least you'll be getting some healthy juice too...."  I tell people similar things sometimes when I sense that they are really not mentally prepared to deal with their addictions.  But here is my honest to goodness bottom line.  Here is where what Natalie really believes departs from what kind Natalie isn't going to push on others.  When I'm in a public forum, I am pretty good at feeling out where someone is mentally and emotionally and I don't generally push.  I'm not God and I'm not the world's leading juicing expert so I encourage people to find their own path and make their chosen path work for them.  Here's the not-so-kind truth why I say and act that way.  Everyone out there has the same resources I had to find the truth.  Everyone has the same responsibility to themselves to find it.  And everyone out there has to live with their choices.  Meanwhile, here on MY blog, I can be blunt about what I've learned and about what I believe without worrying about hurting anyone's tender feelers. So, are you prepared now?  This isn't the Natshell you are used to....
SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP.  JUST DRINK THE JUICE AND THE WATER.  Your body was not designed to crave coffee or that poison crap called soda.  It was designed to NEED and CRAVE pure water to survive!  Your body wasn't designed to crave a cheeseburger.  It was designed to crave plants.  Give it a chance.  Give it a tiny little chance to get out from under all the addictive S.H.I.T. that our illustrious scientists have created to cause it to crave those things and you will be ASTOUNDED by how fast it will switch to doing what it was designed to do.
In case there is anyone out there who hasn't yet come to accept that the food industry intentionally hooks us on unhealthy crap, don't take my word for it:

You haven't been able to "eat in moderation" or use "portion control" any more than a crack addict can "control" himself with crack.  It's addictive.  And if you don't believe the higher ups at the food giants know this and use it to sell more more more, then  you are too naive to waste my time on.  So with you, I'll be gentle and kind in another place and time.  For now, those of you who can handle the truth, suck it up, recognize you are being used and abused and do what you would tell any alcohol or drug addict to do.  Step away from the crap that is hurting you.  Replace it with what can make you healthy and strong.  If you don't "enjoy" it in the beginning, just "take your medicine" and have faith.  You will come to enjoy it.  You will come to crave it as the life-giving substance that it is.  Your body knows.  Once you clear out the crap, you can trust your body to tell you what it needs.
Let's not forget that sometimes old, sick tapes can still play in our heads and tell us that we "deserve" to "enjoy" the junk that Barbie and Ken are having at the family picnic.  After all, look how sexy they look!  Just remind yourself that what you really deserve is health, freedom from disease, depression and obesity.  What you really deserve is to live into your 90s with vigor and purpose.  And it doesn't hurt to remind yourself that you can "enjoy" things that don't hurt you!  Do I feel deprived when I'm having a vegan, raw chocolate brownie at the party while others are having TollHouse cookies?  Hell no!  I'm getting the great hormonal boost of the raw chocolate without the heaping dose of poison on the side!  Thanks anyway;o)  And it doesn't hurt to remind yourself that in 40 or 50 years, Barbie and Ken will probably either be pushing up daisies or toodling around a nursing home with their walkers while you are doing 5ks or (if you are me) trail riding with your grandkids.
One more little bitty rant and I'll return you to your regularly scheduled easy-going Natshell. Promise.  When you are on a juice fast.  FAST on JUICE.  "Is it okay to add a bit of meat so I'll get enough protein?" No.  "Is it okay to take a bunch of chemical pain relievers because I have a headache?" No.  "Is it okay to have my coffee in the morning since it's liquid?" NO!  Go ahead and do those things if you want.  But DON'T call it a JUICE.... FAST!  Caffeine, meat and chemicals are some of the precise things your body is having to try to recover from in detox!!!!  If you are still using those things, or having a super healthy weight watchers frozen dessert to keep from feeling "deprived" or having "just a bite" of the kids mac and cheese, you aren't juice fasting.  You are giving your body some great nutrition.  You are giving your body a chance to battle the effects of those toxins.  Giving your body a fighting chance is a good thing.  But it isn't a juice fast.
(Big sigh.)  I feel better now.
Oh and, for those who care to know, I'm juicing February starting the minute the Superbowl ends.  I have my healthy snacks and my salad and I am READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!!!!  Go Broncos!!!!
Oh and my birthday is Feb 11 so I will be having a super yummy, satisfying and indulgent vegan healthy meal on that day.  Is that a "planned cheat?"  NO!  It's a planned healthy meal.  I DON'T CHEAT!
Okay, NOW I feel better.  Let's just say that some Dysfunctional Eating Societies posing as juicing support groups are making me a bit cray cray.  But I'm aaaaallll better now;o)


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