Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Is It My Amazing Willpower? BHAHAHA!

I am in an online group who set a goal each quarter of the year to lose 25lbs with the goal of ultimately losing 100lbs in one year.  I started my journey in August of 2013 so I didnt start this particular challenge until the last quarter of 2013.  So from Oct 1 to Dec 31, my personal challenge (it is NOT a competition) was to get from 310 to 285.  I did that.  Nearly exactly that.  So now for the first quarter of 2014, my goal is to get to 260 by March 31st.  I'm already to 274.  I KNOW that I will reach my goal.  The sad fact is, I won't have much company.  Very few reached their goal last quarter and very few are looking good for this quarter.  The MOST important thing, of course, is that most participants lost some weight. And equally important is that they are mostly still trying as we all know my policy is that you don't fail until you quit.
The thing is, I have to sometimes remind myself not to feel guilty for succeeding where so many others who are trying SO hard fail.  Does that sound crazy?  I find myself downplaying or just very quietly recording my success unless someone else in the group brings it up.  I've made no secret of my methods but I don't try to "push" them on anyone else.  So there are people on there using all different sorts of approaches.  I mean some of these people count every bite, track it on their calorie tracker and work out like a beast and make sure they have a "calorie deficit."  They work hard for every pound lost!  Each person has their own idea of what a "healthy diet" looks like and that is fine.  The thing is, I honest-to-goodness have to fight feeling guilty because what I'm doing is so easy to me.  I don't feel like I'm having to really "fight" for it anymore.  It is comfortable and easy.
On the other hand, I do occasionally have to fight off mini waves of panic that at any time now it will all be ripped away.  My plant-strong diet will suddenly stop healing my body.  My body will suddenly stop seeking a healthy weight and releasing the fat.  I will once again find myself "fat, sick and nearly dead." The great thing is that the scared little girl who fears these things is growing paler, weaker and quieter with each passing day.  I know that this fear is just born of a sad, sick past.  It isn't real.  It isn't a part of my today or my tomorrow.  I can ignore it and it will go away.  Once in a while "ignore it and it will go away" actually works in our favor! LOL  Seriously though, if we don't feed our fear, it will wither up and die.  If we indulge in it and feed it (with our time and attention) it will grow stronger.  Don't feed the fear!
So, the qustion is, how can I succeed after all these years with my abysmal track record when so many other are failing?  Am I smarter? No.  Am I blessed with a better metabolism? BAHAHAHA!!  Do I work harder? Not in most cases!  Some people I know work super hard at doing everything "right" with painfully little to show for it.  Do I have more willpower? No.   Only two things come to mind to explain this.  One, I hit my own personal rock bottom which put me in the perfect position to be truly willing to do whatever is required.  Most people look at my life style and only focus on what they would have to give up.  They immediately zero in on whatever their particular weakness is.  "No steak?!" "No doughnuts?!" "No McDonalds?!"  NO WAY!!  Whereas my focus is on NO PAIN! NO WEAKNESS! NO WHEELCHAIR! NO STROKE!  NO HOSPITAL! NO MORE SIZE 28!  So when someone asks me if I'll never have a cookie cake or a pizza ever again, I can calmly, truthfully and with no regrets say, "Not if you paid me!"
The second thing is much simpler for me but resisted by so many because of the pervasive lies we have been fed as a society about diet and nutrition.  It's the plants.  That's it.  Beginning, middle and end.  It's. The. Plants. Plants heal and nourish.  Fake foods and chemically and genetically modified crap posing as food destroy and damage and disease.  Plants heal and nourish.  It. Is. The. Plants.

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