My juice fast is nearing it's end; only one week to go. But I know this will not be the last juice fast I do. I suspect I will juice fast regularly. I haven't decided for sure how often or how long but I'm thinking maybe 5 days a month or maybe even 10 if I get into trouble with food. I have a good plan in place and I don't have ANY desire to eat the way I used to but I do have the holidays looming so I'm not going to underestimate the temptations that will abound.
Just today, I went to the store and they had one of my favorite seasonal treats right by the checkout. Helloooo Candy Corn. LOL Yes, I used to love Candy Corn. Honestly, now, the thought of it makes me a little sick. In a few weeks, I will have a much bigger hurdle. I plan to have a delicious but super healthy Thanksgiving dinner for my family but there is one thing I haven't decided on yet - my Mom's dressing. It is probably the biggest and most dear tradition for our family Thanksgiving. I can make healthy desserts and I can certainly make some healthy salads and veggie dishes and a healthy version of the turkey. But Mom's dressing is kind of sacred to us. Cameron wants to make a small batch so everyone can have a smallish serving. Part of me thinks that is the best solution. But all that bread and eggs and cornbread and stuff.... That isn't the way I eat now. I know Mom is proud of what I am doing now and would tell me that silly old dressing is meaningless but I can't feel that.
So, in other news.... I love reading and viewing websites about different views about nutrition and health. I am deeply convicted to the path I have chosen and I know that it will keep leading me to greater and greater health and wellness. That doesn't mean that I know what path is right for anyone else. When I see people getting hateful about Veganism or about Paleo or about Atkins or whatever, it just turns me off to whatever they are advocating. The funniest thing is when someone who has tried to talk me into weight loss surgery or gone out with me for some uber fattening treat on many occasions tries to say that what I'm doing is too drastic. I've said it before but it bears repeating; killing myself with food was drastic. This is sanity and health and joy. I'll stick with that thank you. So here is my thought for the day:
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